National Symphony Orchestra / The Kennedy Center


Ronald Abramson has been the on the Board of the National Symphony Orchestra since 2014 and he assumed the Chairmanship in 2019. Ronald grew up with a strong commitment and love for the arts inspired by his mother, who also served on the NSO Board. Ronald uses that inspiration in his commitment to the community, the arts and, in particular, the world of music.

National Symphony Orchestra / The Kennedy Center2022-04-05T16:04:30-04:00

Weizmann Institute of Science


The Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel is one of the world’s foremost centers of multidisciplinary research in the world, addressing the most urgent challenges facing humanity. Pennie Abramson currently sits on the Executive Committee and previously served as President of the American Committee of the Weizmann Institute.

Weizmann Institute of Science2015-12-17T16:41:36-05:00

The David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace


The David Lynch Foundation ensures that every child who wants to learn to meditate can do so and actively teaches Transcendental Meditation to adults and children everywhere. Jeffrey Abramson is a co-founder of the Foundation.

The David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace2015-12-17T16:43:09-05:00
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